SCREEM WRITERS GUILD is officially the name of the new album & era

Happy new year and happy new fear, monstermaniacs! Today we finally got the first official announcement on the official Lordi social media channels that the upcoming Lordi album and era will indeed be called SCREEM WRITERS GUILD. SWG is of course a wordplay and a Lordified version of The Screen Writers Guild, an organization of screenplay authors back in the Golden Age of Hollywood. When the Lordiary book was released in last September, it was widely speculated, but now we got the official confirmation on the title! This piece of news was accompanied with the teaser image below. Also, in the post it was said that the first taste of the new album, scheduled for spring 2023, is coming up sooner we might expect! The hype is getting real!

Picture: Official Lordi social media channels


The new SCREEM WRITERS GUILD era has begun!


Early December 2022 Lordi news dump