PRESS: September 2nd 2022, Tivoli Sariola, Lordiary

We’ll continue the Lordiary week here on MonsterDiscoHell with a very special, all-new photo gallery today! Before the meet & greet signing session with the fans (find the last week’s gallery here) at Tivoli Sariola in Tapanila, Helsinki on September 2nd 2022, the band and the author of the Lordiary book, Maria Jyrkäs, gave some interviews and posed for pictures promoting the soon to be released biography for the Finnish press and media. Here’s my photo report of what happened before all the fans were let in. There’s a few really good ones here. Close-ups, poses with the book and as a fun bonus, after the meet & greet, Mana and Hella wanted to take a ride on the Tivoli Sariola’s Lordi ghost train and asked me to take a few photos of them. Those turned out really funny and awesome!



LIVE: February 6th 2008, Dark Floors premiere


MEET & GREET: September 2nd 2022, Tivoli Sariola